A few important things, check carefully

Register for the course of your choice on the website of your nearest office. Once we have accepted your registration, you will receive an email with the initial information about the driving school and your access to the e-learning platform. You will then be able to start learning the theory of driving school online at your own pace, when it suits you best. ❤️
Driving licence permit
At the start of driving school, you will need to obtain a driving licence.
E-learning environment and theoretical studies
E-learning environment
You will receive your own login to the email address you provided when you registered, once we have accepted your registration. As a rule, registrations will be accepted within 24 hours of registration.
Theory lessons
If you do not have a previous driving licence, the AM/A/B courses include four online theory lessons for first-time drivers (EAS). In addition, the passenger car course includes four online theory lessons of the Risk Management Course (RTK).
The theory lessons are taught online. You will receive a confirmation message after enrolment.
In addition to the compulsory theory courses, the larger B/AM and A courses include optional extra theory lessons, which are conducted in a virtual classroom (Zoom) under the guidance of a teacher. You will receive instructions on how to participate in these classes in the enrolment confirmation email.
Theory test and what to bring to the theory test
Theory test
You can take the theory exam once you have completed all the theory lessons in the course, as well as the self-study assignments.
You can take the theory test at least one month before the age requirement. If you are studying with an age waiver, you can take the theory test at the earliest when you are 17 years old. You can take the T category theory test at the earliest at the age of 15
You must have obtained a driving licence permit before the theory test.
You can book a theory test at ajovarma.fi with the driving school code "epicautokoulu/turku".
The theory test without a time limit is booked by visiting the Ajovarma office. A dyslexia certificate must be presented at the time of booking.
What to bring to the theory test?
- Money / debit card for the trial payment
- Photo ID (passport, ID card, driving licence)
- Valid driving licence
Driving lessons and how to book them
Driving lessons in the simulator
Almost all our sites have online booking of simulator lessons. Depending on the content of your course package, you can book the first 2 to 5 simulator lessons directly from the student system calendar. Simulator lessons can also be booked in the evenings and at weekends. If you do not know the number of simulator hours included in your course, you can check the confirmation message you will receive or, for example, the chat on our website. It is possible to book simulator lessons before you have passed the theory test.
Please note that if you pay the course fee by Epic invoice in several monthly instalments, 50% of the fees must be paid before the first driving lesson.
Driving lessons with a teacher
Please contact your driving instructor / lesson booker to book lessons. You can find the contact details on the home page of the student system when you log in with your login.
- Please note that for AM & A classes, the theory test must be passed before you can book driving lessons.
- AM120 driving lessons can only be taken once the student has reached the age of 15.
- A1/A2/A handling exercises are carried out on the closed handling area of the driving school.
Cancellation of driving hours
What if I can't make it to my driving lesson?
Cancellation of a driving lesson must be made to your instructor / simulator supervisor by 12:00 on the working day before the driving lesson at the latest.
If a lesson is cancelled or cancelled too late, we will charge 50% of the lesson price according to the terms of the contract.
Please note that the cancellation condition applies to all lessons, including simulator lessons.
Billing and payment methods
More information on course billing and payment methods
If you have chosen Klarna as payment method when registering, you will receive a link to pay the course fee by SMS after registration. From the link you can choose from several payment options such as debit card, online bank, invoice, and instalment. Please note that the link is valid for 24 hours from the date of receipt of the message.
If you have chosen Epic invoice as your payment method, the invoices will be sent directly to the email address you provided.
- If you have a Gmail/Hotmail/Live account, be sure to check your email spam folder as well.
- You can also find Epic invoices in your own student system
- Invoices will be sent an automatic payment reminder 14 days after the due date.
- When paying by Epic invoice, all instalments must be paid before the driving test, even if the due date of the instalment is after the test. (Note: not applicable to those who have taken out funding through Klarna)
- Please note that all invoices will arrive at once after registration by email as separate invoices.
- When paying, always use the reference number and amount for that invoice.
Pause a course
I don't want to take part in the course
If you wish to cancel your course, please contact our invoice support at laskutus@epicautokoulu.fi.
In the event of a course interruption, our current terms and conditions apply.
Please note that if you move to another location, for example, you can change your course location and continue to complete the course at another of our locations. In this case, there is no need to interrupt the course. In this case, please contact our customer service by phone, email or on-site at our office. Please note that if you change location, the price of the service order will be checked against the price list of the location where the training will be completed.